Saturday, October 31, 2009

Somewhere in the South Of England

My name is Hans Velsing, hunter of extraordinary creatures, in particular, a type of were creature called a Forvalaka, rumored to have arrived at a sea port town in the south of England. Shortly after entering the edge of this town things began to go badly indeed......So after running thru the woods till dawn it is only now that I have composed myself enough to assemble my thoughts to attempt to record what occurred last night.

Notice the building in the center of the shot, it is there that crated filled with earthen dirt from France were addressed to be shipped. The miss management of the care of that building left it leaning dangerously such that it needed massive props to keep it upright at all. As the sun set, groups of people were in the streets when, the Full Moon appeared and there was heard much moaning in the wind.
Shambling hordes of Zombies seemed to appear from no where and everywhere forcing me to take cover in a building only to have a wave of rotting flesh pounding thru the door and into the room where I had taken a stand. Summoning up my Piety I unleashed a blast of doom through their ranks, mowing down many and buying myself a brief respite. In this next shot, from upper left, center and right are the Local Constables, a group of American Cowboy adventurers and a sole survivor shop keeper after his handymen had been taken down by Vampire Assistants, spreaders of Zombie smoke clouds.
These groups shot it out with many a zombie, the veritable wave of them shambling back and forth as whims of Brains over came their tiny abilities to home in on the living. Slowly, even for zombies, they reduced the Cowboys to a sole survivor who time after time managaed to hold off certain death, time to do what he had to ...... finish consuming the entire bottle of Red Eye Whiskey. The Shop keeper fared no better, even though he did manage to mix in with the zombies for a bit, shambling along with them, till..... his screams rang thru the darkness....

Here the towns Judge is being overwhelmed by Thosts , then zombies and Vampire Assistants.  His Butler did a stand up job dispatching one after the other, while the Judge wrung his hands and worried over the property destruction all about him, especially his manor house. Shortly after seeing this, the next picture shows what I had to undergo; crashing through the brush and trees to a different local, dispatching Zombies to the left and to the right as I went.
It seems 2 very power undead creatures had a wedding date in the Graveyard.

Where  the Bride had mentally overpowered the local Priest, so as to force him to perform the ceremony, while all about the remainder of the town, anyone who had not vacated, was soon being converted over to the darker side.

I survived only by the speed of my feet as it turns out, the Were creature simply eliminated the men of Torchwood, and the remainder of the Judge and his Butler.  Now, finally we see a closing picture of the host of the game / grand encounter master, Skrapwelder in the Stovepipe hat. Next to him is Leadfool who had the honor of commanding the Judge to the most spectacular end that I witnessed that evening, surrounded by Ghosts, Vampires, Zombies and the Forvalaka.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Road Way started

Trying a new approach to an old problem, have a good material to make roads out of, but what it gets spread on seems to be a difficult approach. I am using Kel Seal brushable caulking material for the actual road surface, which works fine, but the taping down wax paper as the surface led to the road way curling up so much that I had to flip the finished road over and use the other side. New idea, use Tape for the road bed surface material to put the Kel Seal over. It sticks to the board so won't curl up as it dries.

So I affixed the tape down to a long pine board for the start of the project. Total length is 6 feet plus a few inches. Road is to be about 3 inches wide. Material will be brushed on in thin coats about half an hour apart as I paint buildings.

So, here is the first 3 coats. I figure to apply 2 more and then let it dry over night. When completely dry I can then pull the tape up and see if the material curls or not in a day or two. For the taped side I will use a coat of paint to seal the sticky in, or if it curls some, I will apply another think coat of Kel Seal to the tape side and let it dry fully. Overall the thickness of the Kel Seal will allow it to, eventually, lie flat. Some washes for color after I put a bit of brown into the last coat of KS to final dry and it will be ready for use. Oh.. and my wife's cat thought this was a great run way for her to walk up and down, fortunately after it had been drying for an hour.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brick Building Windows

With the assembled brick buildings that I customized with some store fronts I ran into the long and tedious task of painting them all. Window Trim was not to bad but all the window panes were tedious with a brush. But using a diluted off white to give the finished window a gritty old dirty color was the goal. VSF period would not have many window washers in the industrial part of any town I figured. So while cruising the local JoAnns craft shop I found a mixed kit of bottles and tapper tops with a screw on metal fine point tip. Similar to an idea I had to use an eye dropper, but the eye dropper did not really get the wash into the tiny corners of the windows, resulting in getting the brush back out and dab the corners.

So, with a super fine point dropper bottle I found the tiny metal tip easily got into the corners of the windows.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brick Building update

Painting bricks and more bricks using the foam roller method, had to go back and re spray paint the bricks with the dark primer when I pressed to hard. Window casings, in real life and miniature size are slow and tedious though. I used a piece of dense foam rubber that was tapered to a flat end 2 inches by 1/4 inch to pat paint into some of the narrow spots, worked better than a brush to get into the tight places.