Saturday, February 11, 2012

Shamelss plug for a fellow Scenic builder Blogspot

The fellow at this site has medieval housed down pat!

Some of his construction ideas are spot on and simple. His exterior framing for the timbered look by glueing the framing to paper, then cut the paper away beats my using wax paper and pins by a long shot.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Underground, Above Ground Base Motor Pool Building

Taking a short break from the below ground base I started the above ground installation buildings starting with the motor pool. In the past to do lap siding I would clamp stir sticks together and then glue and let dry overnight, then assemble multiple lapping piece to make bigger sections, cut and glue wall sections. This time I thought to try hot gluing the stir sticks onto foam core board directly.

First the wall height for the motor pool was cut, figure is 28mm in scale.  Trimming the rounded ends off the stir sticks I set to work after cutting window openings. Its a bit tricky as the hot glue cools pretty fast and is unforgiving of not lining pieces up correctly right off.
I cut to fit the pieces of wood between the windows. The window to edges I simply glued on pieces long enough to reach or stick out past the edge, waited till they cooled and then used industrial scissors to trim them flat. I cut the wall corners back at 45 degrees and then hot glued them together. I am thinking to use art board MDF for the next buildings as it will be a bit less finicky than the art board in cutting and trimming it. The large open side allows vehicles to enter for quick work and exit easily. The short stub walls on the opening side will be for a small office area and storage room on the far side.