Kaptain Kneemo's scouting force encountered a similar sized force of Belgains. (600pts) As neither side was interested in speaking to each other shots were quickly fired. On Kneemo's left a unit of Line Infantry Sailors and a Medium Walker. Center forces and on to the right were five Askari Line Infantry units. Across from them, the Belgians, from right to left (their view) were a unit of Heavy Infantry, 2 units of Line Infantry and a Medium tank. Both sides opted for a single officer.
Have to fix the bases of the Belgian Askari Infantry as their shields tended to overbalance the figures... Overall the battle was shaping up to be a slug fest shoot out. Belgians won Initative and opeted to move first in the game.
On the last turn of fire the Belgian Line took 50% Casualties, failed their moral and fled the field. The Tank Crew declarded a Mechanical victory and drove of the field stage left.... :) Belgians suffered from the Terrible Dice God.....
Very cool. What rules did you use?
ReplyDeleteWere using Martian Empires with some exspanded unit types.